Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Blogpost #1 - Where do you get your news?

Since the 2016 presidential election, my interest in keeping track of and researching what’s going on politically in the U.S. has been minimal. The reason for this being that the open disrespectfulness and toxicity that our political climate has created and taught to be acceptable has influenced me to limit my time watching the news on tv, browsing facebook, and interacting in political debates with others. I would consider my political affiliation to lie somewhere in the middle between the left and right, agreeing with points from both sides. 

Recently however, I have been becoming more acquainted with the current political environment due to my own interests and the fact that more and more companies and platforms are releasing their own news sites. Five news sources that I have been using recently have been:

  1. ABC 10 News, San Diego

    1.  ABC 10 News was the news source that I grew up watching before going to middle/high school and the site always seemed to hold relatively neutral political views while also humorly updating the San Diegans on their weather/traffic expectations. 

  2. Apple News

    1.  I included Apple News because the app gives a varied list of other news outlets and their headlining articles which often all relate to each other. This would allow someone who knew little about the topic at hand to properly research the subject and determine their opinion. 

  3. Reddit

    1. I would consider Reddit to be a valuable news source because the site has hundreds of extremely popular political subreddit pages, and is very well regulated, deleting false information, warning users of NSFW content, and ensuring users remain respectful to others when discussing heated topics. Just browsing the “popular” page of Reddit almost always includes politically related videos related to not only the U.S., but globally. 

  4. The Washington Post & The L.A. Times

    1. I would be lying if I said I browsed the Washington Post or the L.A. Times often. I am grouping these news sources together because I believe them both to be equally credible with uniformly crafted articles that are ideal to be a political fact checker of sorts. These are both sites which I would come to if I needed confirmation or more information on a political topic/subject.

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